We envision a world with no barriers, where every child can have access to a quality education and pursue their dreams

Personalized mentorship and high-intensity tutoring

At PanProf, we believe all K-12 students deserve an opportunity to meet their educational goals. We provide free online 1-on-1 tutoring to help students in underserved communities strengthen subject comprehension, build important skills and increase their academic confidence.

Pandemic Professors Team Zoom Image

Hello! 👋

This is us, the staff behind PanProf.

Hello! 👋

This is us, the staff behind Pandemic Professors.

We’re a 100% volunteer organization that has been operating remotely since our launch in April 2020.

Girl studying writing on notebook

We started as a diverse group of first-generation college graduates who saw
a need in distance education for disadvantaged students during the  pandemic.

Meet our Founder, Harley Simpson.

Harley first saw the problem when he noticed his god-daughter and nephew were struggling to stay afloat in school during the pandemic. After conducting research and speaking to other adults, he saw that the problem was wide-spread with limited solutions in place to help students in underserved commmunities. He knew he had to do something about it.

Harley founded the organization with six other founding members from UC Berkeley, his alma mater. What began as assisting one charter school in Queens, NY grew to assisting students in over 18 states.

The organization now assists students nationwide from kindergarten through 12th grade with some students logging in from around the world.

To date, we’ve helped tutor over 675 students and the demand keeps growing!

Our Founders

Harley Simpson, CEO

Harley Simpson

Chief Executive Officer

Alissa Stover, Director of Operations

Alissa Stover

Director of Operations

Sara Ellis, Director of Program Services and Development

Sara Ellis

Director of Program Services and Development

Joy Liu, Director of Scheduling

Joy Liu

Director of Scheduling

Charlie Guenet, Head of Social Media

Charlie Guenet

Head of Social Media

Tushar Malik, Director of Product Management

Tushar Malik

Director of Product Management

Harley Simpson, CEO

Harley Simpson

Chief Executive Officer

Alissa Stover, Director of Operations

Alissa Stover

Director of Operations

Sara Ellis, Director of Program Services and Development

Sara Ellis

Director of Program Services and Development

Joy Liu, Director of Scheduling

Joy Liu

Director of Scheduling

Charlie Guenet, Head of Social Media

Charlie Guenet

Head of Social Media

Tushar Malik, Director of Product Management

Tushar Malik

Director of Product Management